Templatic released an ultimate real estate WordPress theme named Real Estate Directory designed for the real estate market, such as WordPress estate agents or property classifieds. Some of the key features includes searchable custom fields, property filtering, RTL support and a fully responsive design.
Price Standard: $99 Developer: $199 Premium Themes Club: $299 (all themes) Recommended
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Templatic offers a range of premium business / CMS, corporate, ecommerce, magazine / news, portal, portfolio, personal blog and other niche premium WordPress themes.
The most popular & powerful real estate directory theme Features
- Custom Register Form – Allow visitors to register to your site by using a custom register form. Add an unlimited number of custom fields and choose between several different field types, including: text, checkbox, radio, date picker, upload, etc.
- Agent Dashboard – From the agent dashboard your content authors can see basic information about their account and also edit their posts, manage favorites, delete posts, renew posts and even upgrade posts.
- Create a submission form – Setup a front-end submission page for any existing or new (custom) post type. Use a handy shortcode to insert the submission form inside any page, post, property or event widget.
- Customize the submit form – Use the Custom Fields Setup section to modify existing fields; change their options, labels and even the display location. Use the section to create new submission fields!
- Showcase you best agents – Display the most active authors on your site using a special “People” page or the “Display Authors” widget. Entries will be sorted by the number of submitted properties.
- 13 Input Field Types – Customize your submission form with these field types: Text (editor and simple text area), date picker, buttons (checkbox, select, radio), heading, multi image uploader, geo map.
- 3 Category Inputs – Choose between three different category input methods: Checkbox (multiple categories), Select button (one category) and Multi-select button (multiple categories).
- Control where to show fields – Apart the actual submission form, you can show fields (and their values) in other places too: category pages, detail pages, success page, advanced search form, back-end column, confirmation email.
- Default Submission Fields – Default/preloaded submission fields include: Title, categories, content, excerpt, city selection fields, image upload, bedroom, bathroom, price, property type, contact fields, etc.
- Set mandatory registration form fields
- Allow auto-login after registration
- Customizable terms and conditions
- Insert the login or register shortcode into any page
- Edit the content on your login and register pages
- Profile fields locations: profile page, registration form, user dashboard
- Expiry notifications (choose when to send)
- Set submission form compulsory fields
- Field validation types (phone number, digit, email)
- Set a field display location (back-end, front-end and both)
- Set additional HTML parameters for each field
- Choose which fields display in user dashboard
- Style individual fields with CSS
- Protect forms with captcha
- Organize custom fields in groups
- Manage users from wp-admin ⇨ Users
- Two anti-spam systems: WP-reCAPTCHA and PlayThru
- Content authors can preview properties before submitting them
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