Cssigniter released a responsive WordPress theme Tabloid designed for magazine and news websites.
Price: CSSigniter Membership: $39 (unlimited access to all themes)
Demo & Release Page | Download
- Dark / Light Color Schemes – Choose from multiple colors and either a light or dark version according to your preference!
- Multiple Category Layouts – Display your content in a multitude of creative layouts. Each category can be set to a different one!
- Custom Widgets – Powerful widgets give Tabloid more functionality. Stock options, weather information, recent / popular posts, you name it!
- Ad Space – Tabloid comes with many widget areas specifically designed with your ads in mind. Monetize your content using either custom solutions or your very own ads.
- Theme Options
- Localization
- Shortcodes
- Custom Menus
- HTML 5 / CSS3
- Alternative Colour Variations
- Cross Browser Compatibility
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