Cssigniter publish a stunning WordPress theme called Vignette specially crafted for photographers, models, or anyone in the photography industry that need to showcase their work in a professional manner.
Price: CSSigniter Membership: $39 (unlimited access to all themes)
Demo & Release Page | Download
- Responsive – Vignette is accessible from a wide range of devices. Show your work on all audiences.
- Harnessing Jetpack – Vignette harnesses the power of Jetpack (optional) to show your work in awesome gallery styles and carousels.
- Design-centric – Vignette brings a minimalistic fullwidth layout and design. Your work should be the only thing that stands out.
- Flexible – Use any of the seven gallery styles available and two homepages (video or image).
- Theme Options
- Localization
- Shortcodes
- Custom Menus
- HTML 5 / CSS3
- Alternative Colour Variations
- Cross Browser Compatibility
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