Cssigniter publish a new WordPress theme called Berliner designed for musicians, artists, nightclubs and everyone in the entertainment industry. Berliner is fully responsive and based on the powerful Bootstrap framework. It also comes with custom audio player, Gigs & events widgets, multiple post types and more.
Price: CSSigniter Membership: $39 (unlimited access to all themes)
Demo & Release Page | Download
- Responsive – Berliner is fully responsive and based on the powerful Bootstrap framework.
- Custom Audio Player – Release your tracks with the most sophisticated custom audio implementation in a WordPress theme.
- Gigs & Events – Around the world? Show your tour schedule on a Google map and share details for each gig.
- Post Types – Show Artists, Discography, Albums, Videos, Photo Galleries, Important Items and Events. A plethora of content awaits.
- Theme Options
- Localization
- Shortcodes
- Custom Menus
- HTML 5 / CSS3
- Alternative Colour Variations
- Cross Browser Compatibility
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