Tesla Themes published a clean, minimalist, responsive WordPress theme called Zero designed for Blog, portfolio, agency, business, corporate website or any other related project. This theme comes with 3 different representations of home page (One page, blog, business), beautiful transition effects and portfolio, sticky menu, font icons, scroll animation and much more. It also includes some free plugin: Revolution Slider (worth $19), Visual Composer (worth $30), video background, sticky header/navigation, font icons, scroll animation, stylish portfolio, custom posts and widgets, etc.
Price Single Theme: $35 Club Membership(34-in-1): $35(Best Value)
Demo & Release Page | Download
Unique Features
- Tesla Framework – A powerful frame and administration tool that allows you to easily customize the look and functionality of your theme.
- Responsive – The design fits ideally and looks great on a wide range of devices and screen resolutions.
- Visual Composer – Visual Composer is Drag and Drop Frontend and Backend Page Builder Plugin for WordPress
- Revolution Slider – All-purpose Slide Displaying Solution that allows for showing almost any kind of content with animations
- One Page – Zore One Page with Video, Slider, Image or Pattern background, enhanced with parallax effect.
- Multiple Pages – Zero Multiple Pages with a large variations of layouts and page elements.
- Bootstrap Features – Compatible with Boostrap 3, mobile first front-end framework for faster and easier web development
- Wide/Boxed layout – Zore can be customized for a wide or boxed layout, with custom backgrounds
- Vector Icons – The IcoMoon app lets you build and use your own icon sets in different formats including SVG,icon font or simple PNG sprites.
- Portfolio Layouts – A large variation of portfolio layouts to help you to showcase your work in easy way.
- Typography – Every font is customizable so you can change all the elements you want.
- Color Picker – An infinite color variation for primary and secondary elements.
General Features
- 12 columns grid
- Video background
- Sticky navigation
- 3 custom widgets
- Custom post
- Font icons
- Google Web Fonts
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Cross Browser Optimization
- Well-commented code
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