Jupiter is a Clean, Flexible, fully responsive and retina ready WordPress theme from ThemeForest with smart and hand crafted environment allows you to Build an outstanding web presence. You can add countless shortcodes from Slideshows to new blog layouts. Modify options and settings via Jupiter’s robust framework. Change your site colors and control your layout with point and click options. Choose from different layouts and templates on a page-by-page basis.
Price: $55
Demo & Release Page | Download
- WordPress 3.5.2 Compatible
- Responsive Valid HTML5 and CSS3, Cross browser compatible
- SEO optimized and built-in SEO solution
- Translation Ready and WPML Plugin Compatible
- Woocommerce Integration
- Incredibly powerful admin panel
- Over 100+ shortcodes
- Powerful and easy to user Page Composer
- Phenomenal Skin Manager, yet incredibly easy.
- built-in patterns and textures with the ability to upload your own
- Unlimited colors for almost all elements
- Unlimited homepage layouts
- Unlimited Sidebars
- Very powerful typography options with 500+ Google fonts, 10+ Fontface. Adding custom Fontfaces with couple of steps.
- 3 blog loop styles, multiple column blog loop featured added
- Custom CSS, custom JS, Google Analytics and Google Map Integration
- Pricing Tables
- Multi-column and unlimited portfolio pages
- Includes entire Font Awesome 3.2 icon
- Includes 1500+ Icomoon Font Icons
- 14 Custom widgets.
- Compatible with common plugins.
- Dedicated Support
- Very Extensive Documentation
- Demo Contents Added
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