Cssigniter released a stunning blogging WordPress theme Olsen specially crafted for lifestyle & fashion bloggers, Olsen guarantees the smoothest reading experience.
Price: CSSigniter Membership: $39 (unlimited access to all themes)
Demo & Release Page | Download
- Multiple layouts to choose from – With eleven blog layouts to choose from you can rest assured that you will never get bored of your website.
- Infinite style variations – Style your website exactly as you want it using Olsen’s 20+ color and typography settings.
- Post Formats – Olsen makes each one of the various post formats stand out in their own unique way.
- Live Editing – Your website needs to be unique, Olsen comes with more than 80 Customizer settings to help with that.
- Custom widgets – Highly customized widgets allow you to engage your readers in a more personal way.
- SEO Optimized – This themes will help you rank higher in search engines like Google, Bing or Yahoo!
- Theme Options
- Localization
- Shortcodes
- Custom Menus
- HTML 5 / CSS3
- Alternative Colour Variations
- Cross Browser Compatibility
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